Rehtaeh Parsons tenía 15 años cuando fue violada por cuatro compañeros de clase. Compañeros contra los que, a pesar de que distribuyeron una foto de los hechos a través de Internet, nunca se presentaron cargos. A partir de ese momento la joven fue acosada sin cesar en su instituto y a través de las redes sociales, lo que la llevó a cambiar de colegio y la sumió en una profunda depresión. Hace algo más de una semana se suicidó. 

Rehtaeh no es la primera víctima de esta cultura de la violación en la que vivimos, en la que se culpa a la víctima y se disculpa a los agresores. Lo vimos con Amanda Todd y con Audrie Pott. Lo vimos con Steubenville y la vergonzosa cobertura de la CNN, en la cual la reportera lamentaba el hecho de que las vidas de los violadores habían quedado arruinadas

Es triste y frustrante ver el nulo respeto que la sociedad tiene por las mujeres, lo poco que valemos en un mundo que nos ve y nos trata como objetos. Como dice Hila Shachar en su último post"I just can’t even begin to express the sense of rage I feel when I read these stories. And it feels like indulgent rage sometimes because I’m not one of these women who have been raped, and I’m not a member of their families dealing with the aftermath of their death. But this rage nevertheless exists. It’s a rage that comes from a feeling of complete uselessness and hopelessness, and it’s also a rage to do with the fact that I recognise how little I’m worth as a woman in the world as it is. You know what reading these stories says to every woman and girl? It says this:

You are a piece of shit. You are not a person, you are a thing. You are worthless."

Nos debemos a nosotras mismas el no quedarnos calladas, y se lo debemos a ellas. Infórmate, edúcate y actúa: 

-Te han violado, así que debes de ser una puta. 

-So much pretty by Cara Hoffman: "First you’re taught to fear a phantom, a man in black, a man with a knife, a man who’ll pounce in dark alleys. Well-intentioned women—mothers, aunts, teachers—will train you to protect yourself: Don’t wear your hair in a ponytail; it’s easier to grab. Hold your keys in one hand; hold your pepper spray in the other. Avoid dark alleys. When you reach young adulthood, the lessons change. They acquire an undertone of disgust: Don’t drink so much. Don’t wear such short skirts. You’re sending mixed signals; you’re putting yourself at risk.
If you follow the advice and it never happens—if you end up one of the three out of four—you can convince yourself that safety is a product of your own making, a reflection of inherent goodness. But if you’re paying attention, you realize something doesn’t add up. Because it keeps happening: to your sisters; to your friends; to little girls and grown women you’ll never meet, in places like Cleveland, Texas; Steubenville, Ohio; New Delhi. Good people, bad people, neutral. It keeps happening in TV shows and novels and movies—they open on the missing girl, the dead girl, the raped girl. If you’re paying attention, you begin to realize that it isn’t happening. It is being done. And you are not safe. You have never been safe. You were born with a bulls-eye on your back. All you have ever been is lucky."

-Rape culture and the media.

-Toxic Masculinity

-So you're tired of hearing about rape culture?

-I’m getting sick of the term friendzone.

-Only 'Yes' Means Yes: What Steubenville's Rape Trial Reminds Us About Sexual Consent.

-Rehtaeh Parsons is dead"Instead of wallowing in injustice, let’s finally wake up from the delusion that we have any more time to waste. Rape culture kills. Rehtaeh Parsons is dead and we are in a state of emergency.

Organize your neighborhood or school against rape culture: run consent education workshops and recruit participants to pledge their stance against violence. March, demonstrate, to publicly prove to all that those who inflict violence on others will not be supported or included by your community. Every time a publication runs a piece promoting rape culture, write a letter in response. Reject slut-shaming and victim-blaming of all forms. Loudly. Model respect for others’ bodily autonomy and stand up for your own in everyday situations to promote a culture of consent. Intervene if you see a dangerous situation developing, and teach others to do the same. Combat the transmission of rape culture from one generation to the next: teach kids to be better than we are. Don’t invite rapists to your parties (I can’t believe I even have to say that, but I do). Make sure survivors in your area have somewhere to turn for justice and support, and to stop their rapists from re-offending. If this resource doesn’t exist, create it. Refuse to tolerate speech that promotes rape; speak up even–no, especially–when to do so would be rude. Listen to a survivor when no one else will."

2 Comentarios

  1. Les decimos a las mujeres que tienen que denunciar y luego las silenciamos con nuestro comportamiento. Es increíble que pase esto.

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